
Creating a Wiki space

Page history last edited by Christine Bauer-Ramazani 13 years, 5 months ago

STEPS for creating a wiki: 

  1. Go to (click) PBworks
  2. On the top tabs, hover the mouse over For Education and click Sign up Now
  3. Click "Sign up for a FREE Basic account." Click Select.
  4. On the Sign Up page, choose your address:  In the window, put a short, one-word title (no spaces) for your wiki that you and your students will remember easily.  This will be the URL of your wiki.


    4.   Put a checkmark in the box that your wiki is for non-commercial (i.e. teaching) use.



    5.   Click NEXT.

    6.   On the next page, choose your wiki's security settings, and check the box that you agree with the terms (you should read them), and click
          Take me to my workspace

    • If you select "Anyone", you can email the URL to your wiki to other people, e.g. colleagues, and they can view (but not edit!) the information.  
    • If you select "Only people I invite or approve", you will manually have to add the email addresses of people you want to be able to see your wiki. 


For additional help, see the PBworks User Manual on Getting Started (includes naming the workspace and access to it). 


Site author: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, 9/13/2010; last update: 9/1/2011

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