Important note:
The more you edit your workspace, the more likely it is to succeed. Editing your workspace is just like editing your usual word-processing software -- only it's online, and easier.
Finding your Wiki space:
You can find your wiki in two ways:
- Check your email and click on the link sent to you by PBworks (e.g. You will also receive instructions and videos that you can use.
- Go to and choose (click) the wiki you created.
Your Wiki space:
Please notice the two tabs at the top of your wiki space: 
Important note: The VIEW tab shows the content of your page. In order to add content, you need to click the EDIT tab. Always save before looking at the page in VIEW.
Adding content to the home page and saving:
Click the EDIT tab at the top. Give your wiki a title and center it (highlight the text and click the center button). 
Click Save (bottom left). Your wiki is now updated!
Video tutorial: Click here to see a video demonstration on how to edit your workspace.
Site author: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, 9/1/2010; last update: 9/13/2010
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