Let's make the home page come alive with some text and pictures! You can look at an example of a Wiki I used with over 100 students for a year and a half.
- Click the EDIT tab to add information to your home page.
- Move the cursor over the menu items at the top of the work space now to see their function. You can bold, underline, italicize, center, highlight, move, enlarge, bullet, spell-check, copy, paste, and undo any text that you have added.
3. Now write a brief Welcome message to your audience. Then add some text indicating the purpose of your wiki and click SAVE.
Example: Technology English Class by Katia Hameg
4. Add an image. You can upload a picture either from Google Images (please cite the source!) or from your computer or flash drive.
- Google Images: Click the link and type a search phrase into the window to find an image that fits the context of your wiki.
- Right-click the image and select Save Picture As.
- Give the picture a brief, one-word title (or use _ between words) and select the file type .jpg or .gif.
- Save the picture to a storage device (e.g. flash drive).
- On your wiki page, click the EDIT tab and click the gray Images and files tab on the right.

- Click Upload files, locate the image you want to upload, and upload it. You will now see the file name in the column on the right.
- Put the cursor where you want the image to appear and click the image file on the right. The picture will appear in your wiki.
Editing the picture:
To edit the picture to make it look like the one on the left, do this:
- Right-click the picture and select Edit image.
- Click "Has border".
- Type in a number for the margin, e.g. 5 for a small margin or 10 for a larger margin.
- Select the alignment--left (as here), center, or right. You should now be able to write text on the right of the picture.
- Resizing the image:
- Click the image until you see a cross with four arrows. Select one of the corner handles and pull out (make larger) or push in (make smaller).
- Lastly, cite the source of your image underneath the picture.
Source: Google Images
Providing identification and currency:
Put the wiki author's name, the institution, the date of creation, and the date of last update at the bottom of the home page.
Site author: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, 9/1/2010; last update: 9/13/2010
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