
Adding TEXT and UPLOADING PICTURES to the home page

Page history last edited by Christine Bauer-Ramazani 14 years, 4 months ago

Let's make the home page come alive with some text and pictures!  You can look at an example of a Wiki I used with over 100 students for a year and a half.



  1. Click the EDIT tab to add information to your home page.
  2. Move the cursor over the menu items at the top of the work space now to see their function.   You can bold, underline, italicize, center, highlight, move, enlarge, bullet, spell-check, copy, paste, and undo any text that you have added.  



    3.  Now write a brief Welcome message to your audience.  Then add some text indicating the purpose of your wiki and click SAVE.

          Example: Technology English Class by Katia Hameg


    4.  Add an image.  You can upload a picture either from Google Images (please cite the source!) or from your computer or flash drive.

  • Google Images:  Click the link and type a search phrase into the window to find an image that fits the context of your wiki.  
  • Right-click the image and select Save Picture As.   
  • Give the picture a brief, one-word title (or use _ between words) and select the file type .jpg or .gif
  • Save the picture to a storage device (e.g. flash drive). 
  • On your wiki page, click the EDIT tab and click the gray Images and files tab on the right.
  • Click Upload files, locate the image you want to upload, and upload it.  You will now see the file name in the column on the right.
  • Put the cursor where you want the image to appear and click the image file on the right.  The picture will appear in your wiki. 


Editing the picture:

To edit the picture to make it look like the one on the left, do this:

  • Right-click the picture and select Edit image
  • Click "Has border".
  • Type in a number for the margin, e.g. 5 for a small margin or 10 for a larger margin.
  • Select the alignment--left (as here), center, or right.  You should now be able to write text on the right of the picture.
  • Resizing the image:
  • Click the image until you see a cross with four arrows.  Select one of the corner handles and pull out (make larger) or push in (make smaller).
  • Lastly, cite the source of your image underneath the picture. 





Source: Google Images 


Providing identification and currency:

Put the wiki author's name, the institution, the date of creation, and the date of last update at the bottom of the home page. 


Site author: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, 9/1/2010; last update: 9/13/2010



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