
Adding hyperlinks to Internet resources

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Saved by Christine Bauer-Ramazani
on September 13, 2010 at 7:11:07 pm

There are many wonderful resources to link to on the Internet.  Again, figuring out the organization of your Wiki is key.  Think about the categories to establish for your resources--one page per course?  per skill area?


Let's practice adding a hyperlink by linking to an online dictionary. 

  1. Click on the COURSE page you created.   
  2. On the COURSES page, click EDIT.  Type the title of the Web page you want to link to -- in this case Longman English Dictionary Online
  3. Click on the link to the Longman English Dictionary Online (online version of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).
  4. Highlight the URL and right-click to copy it.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow next to Insert on the menu bar.  You will see many options of things you can add, with  at the top. Click Link.
  6. You will see this window open up.  Type in the link title (Longman English Dictionary Online).    
  7.  7.  Next click Browse Pages & Files.  Select Web Address (left side)
  8.  8.  Right-click in the URL window > Paste the URL. 
  9.  9.  IMPORTANT NOTE(links going outside your Wiki): 
          Click the "Open in new window" option.  
  10.  10.  Click Insert Link and SAVE.


See the training video on linking to external URLs. 



Let's add a link to a YouTube video and embed it. 

  1. Go to YouTube and type CALL computer assisted language learning into the SEARCH window.  Select the first video (link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evY4zv990z0).  You can either link to it (see steps above) or embed the video as a clickable image.
  2. Under the video, click <Embed> to get the embed video code.   Choose your desired options: frame, color.
  3. Select, right-click, and copy the code.
  4. On the menu bar, click  > Put the cursor at the end of the source code > right-click > Paste.  SAVE. Your viewers can now click the play button to view the video. See also a short training video on embedding video.




Site author: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, 9/1/2010; last update: 9/13/2010

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