To create a page for process writing and peer reviews, you should plan ahead. Remember that you will want each student's first and second draft on the page. Do you want to organize your students' writing by
- type of assignment? (e.g. letter to the editor, paragraph 1, essay 1, etc.)
- student's name?
- a combination of both?
Table with links to different assignments > Page with student's names
Page 1
Assignment |
Letter to the editor
Paragraph 1 (title)
Essay 1 (title)
Page 2
Students' Names |
Lucy's drafts |
Jill's drafts |
Andrea's drafts |
See Barbara's Writing page as an example.
More examples:
Now create a table with the organization you decided on. You will need to create a link to each page later.
Site author: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, 9/1/2010; last update: 9/23/2011
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